14 years
of helping writers tell their stories
former students with publishing deals
Write your novel
Make your novel shine. We’ll help you craft a page-turning novel – join us for expert advice and feedback from publishing professionals. We run courses suitable for every stage of the process – from first idea to final draft. These are our core novel-writing courses.
Novel-writing courses
Starting to Write Your Novel
‘A brilliant introduction to all the fundamentals of fiction writing – I frequently dip into the notes I made on the course, even now!’
Samuel Burr
Write to the End of Your Novel
Edit & Pitch Your Novel
Writing Your Novel – Three Months
‘I loved this course . . . the lessons on writing were amazing and thought-provoking.’
Bonnie Garmus
Finish Your Novel – Eight Months
‘This course was so useful… I finished my first draft just as the course ended, and now I'm working through it again, applying strategies and advice from all three tutors.’
Caroline Morgan
Writing Your Novel – Three Months
Writing Your Novel – Six Months
Writing Your Novel – Six Months
‘Attending the CBC course was a major catalyst in my writing career.’
Amita Parikh
Editorial services
Manuscript Reports
Get feedback on your full or partial manuscript, including in-depth advice on how to address any problem areas. £750 for a manuscript of up to 95,000 words. Price dependent on manuscript length.
Submission Reports
Make sure your pitch package is in the best possible shape before you send it out to agents. Get detailed feedback on your pitch letter, one-page synopsis and 10,000-word opening. £385.
Transform your work-in-progress with three months of one-to-one mentoring. We will match you with a mentor from our team of renowned author-tutors. £650.